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Friday, June 30, 2006
"I make friends. They’re toys. My friends are toys. I make them. It’s a hobby."

from "Bladerunner"

: #


Saturday, June 24, 2006
اين وبلاگ يه شاهکاره!!! آخرشه!!! حتما يه سر بهش بزنين!!! اينجا کليک کنيد

راستي يه يادآوری و يه درخواست... لطفا به هيچ عنوان به آدرس atilopatil@yahoo.com ايميل نزنيد... Mailbox اين آدرس بسته شده و ديگه به هيچ عنوان از اين آدرس برای ايميل استفاده نمي شود... کليه نامه ها و ايميل ها را به آدرس emrause@yahoo.com و يا cyberpunk@gmail.com بفرستيد...


: #


Thursday, June 22, 2006
آااااه... خستگي داره منو مي کشه! راستي فيلم Super Guru رو ديدم... خيلي خنده بود... صددرصد توصيه مي شود!!! ولي خستگي در نمي کنه!

: #


Saturday, June 17, 2006

Good :Your wife is pregnant.
Bad :It's triplets.
Ugly :You had a vasectomy five years ago.

Good :Your wife's not talking to you.
Bad :She wants a divorce.
Ugly :She's a lawyer.

Good :Your son is finally maturing.
Bad :He's involved with the women next door.
Ugly :So are you.

Good :Your son studies a lot in his room.
Bad :You find several pornn movies hidden there.
Ugly :You're in them.

Good :Your hubby and you agree, no more kids.
Bad :You can't find your birth control pills.
Ugly :Your daughter borrowed them.

Good :Your husband understands fashion.
Bad :He's a cross-dresser.
Ugly :He looks better than you.

Good :You give the "birds and bees" talk to your daughter.
Bad :She keeps interrupting.
Ugly :With corrections.

Good :Your son is dating someone new.
Bad :It's another man.
Ugly :He's your best friend.

Good :Your daughter got a new job.
Bad :As a hooker.
Ugly :Your co-workers are her best clients.
Way ugly :She makes more money than you do.

: #


Saturday, June 03, 2006
Happy Birth's Day to You... Happy Birth's Day to You... Happy Birth's Day to You... Happy Birth's Day to You... Happy Birth's Day to You... Happy Birth's Day to You... Happy Birth's Day to You... Happy Birth's Day to You... Happy Birth's Day to You... Happy Birth's Day to You... Happy Birth's Day to You... Happy Birth's Day to You... Happy Birth's Day to You... Happy Birth's Day to You... Happy Birth's Day to You... Happy Birth's Day to You... Happy Birth's Day to You... Happy Birth's Day to You... Happy Birth's Day to You... Happy Birth's Day to You... Happy Birth's Day to You... Happy Birth's Day to You... Happy Birth's Day to You... Happy Birth's Day to You...

: #


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