پير شديم رفت پی کارش!!!
اينم برای اينکه بينين توی ده سال چطور معنی کلمات می تونه از اين رو به اون رو بشه!!!
1. An application was for employment
2. A program was a television show
3. Windows were something you hated to clean
4. A keyboard was a piano
5. Memory was something you lost with age
6. Compress was something you did to garbage
7. If you unzipped in public you went to jail
8. Log on was adding wood to a fire
9. A hard drive was a long trip on the road
10. And a backup happened to your toilet
11. Cut you did with scissors
12. Paste you did with glue
13. A web was a spider's home
14. And a virus was the flu!!!
□ Atilopatil @ :
10:33 :