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Tuesday, August 06, 2002
آهای! من نه بی ادبم و نه بيشعور!!!
ولی خداييش اگر اين نوشته ها رو براتون نميذاشتم يه خنده اساسی از دست می دادين!!! خداييش حيف بود... پس برين و حال کنين و منو يه کم دعا کنين بلکه پولدار بشم و بتونم از شرکت که بر ميگردم خونه تو شهرک غرب با بنزم بوق بزنم!!!!

It's all about ... sex !

1) You came per night.
You get close to my body and sucked me all over.
You had so much fun and satisfied then left me in pain.
You Bitch mosquito!

2) MUM: didn't I tell you that if a guy touches your ASS, say

DON'T. And if he touches your BOOBS say STOP!
GIRL: But mum, he touched both so i said: DON'T STOP...!!!

3) Sex is maths:
Add 2 bodies,
Subtract the clothes,
Divide the legs and multiply!!!

4) LITTLE GIRL: Mommy, I just found out that our neighbor's son has
a penis like a peanut!
MUM: You mean it's small?
LITTLE GIRL: No it's salty!!!

5) A couple recently married was happy with the whole thing. He was
happy with the hole, and she was happy with the thing.

6) Latest Statistics: What men do after sex?
2% eat.
3% smoke cigarettes.
4% take shower.
5% go to sleep.
86% get up and go back home to their wives.

7) What is a KISS?
It's an upper PREPARATION for a lower INVASION that will lead to
further PENETRATION with fast ACCELERATION that will build next

8) A man was carrying 3 babies in a train.
The lady sitting next to him asked: Are they your babies?
MAN: No, I work in a condom factory and these are customer

9) Women top 5 lies:
5. I am a virgin.
4. It is so big.
3. I can't do that to my best friend.
2. I won't gain weight after marriage.
1. I am coming I am coming!!!

10) Why is your dick better than a credit card?
1. Once spent it recharges itself.
2. It is accepted worldwide.
3. You can let your wife use it as much as she wants.

11) A guy goes up to a girl in a bar and says: You want to play
She says: What is that?
He says: We go Home, Fuck, and then you disappear.

12) What is the closest thing to a woman's period?
Your SALARY...
It comes once a month, lasts 4 or 5 days, and if it doesn't come,
you are FUCKED!!!


: #


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