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Tuesday, October 21, 2008
ها ها ها... هي هي هي... هو هو هو... اين خيلي خوبه! عاليه! واقعا توپه!!!
At the college, male & female students were told to individually write a sentence using the words 'sex' and 'love.'

Females wrote:
"When two mature people are passionately and deeply in love with one another to a high degree and that they respect each other very much, then, it is spiritually and morally acceptable to the society that they both engage themselves in the act of physical sex with one another."

Men wrote:
'I love sex.'

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Monday, October 20, 2008
بعضي وقتها خودم از خودم تعجب مي کنم! خيلي کارم درسته! يه وقتهايي سر يه سری برنامه هايي که بايد انجام بدم نميدونم چي ميشه ولي يهو مي بينم که همه چي يهو جوور ميشه و جوابهايي که ميدم کاملا خداونديه! بعدش هم از خودم خوشم مياد!
اين چند وقته خداييش از خود خوشم اوومده شديدا... و هيچي هم حالمو بد نميکنه! اگر هم مي بينيد که اين همه بدون توضيح دارم اين مووع رو بيان مي کنم و نميگم چه اتفاقي افتاده... برای اينه که اصلا نميشه گفت!!!

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Tuesday, October 07, 2008
1000$ iPhone App!!!
the Apple link to apple store needs iTune installed....
so I let you see the blogs talking about it:


by the way... I will let you some comparison on iPhone capabilities with Windows Mobile or Symbian UIQ (Touch interface Devices)...

1. no copy paste of contents (e.g. email/ SMS text) or files from one location to another (how can one NOT have this??)
2. no bluetooth transfer of anything i.e. mp3, images, videos
3. can’t use iphone as wireless modem for your PC.. hence you can’t share your internet with your own PC..
4. the camera is a simple 2 MP and can’t record video
5. no Java support (thereby a lot of existing apps won’t work)
6. the battery is locked inside the phone.. changing the same means getting to the apple store…
7. Can’t send MMS.. imagine this!!
8. no FM radio
9. can’t use MP3 files as ringtones..
10. can’t use ipod as external storage device to carry documents, pictures etc.
11. there are no expansion slots available apart from built in memory..
12. no flash or silverlight support
13. no office apps installed… i.e. u can’t read documents on iphone or quickly revise your presentation
14. if you are a corporate customer you don’t any security features like remote wipe if your phone gets stolen or any corporate management server to manage mobile devices...

Really, I hate Windows! I love Linux based OS and I'm using and Ubunthu linux on my desktop pc. I love Apple computers... but,if you think that all of these points are bullshits, and if you like iPhone anyway... so don't forget to get the 1000$ iPhone app... It's just right for you...!

Best Touch interface mobile (Price and Functionality):
1. SonyEricsson P1 (Best Price with WiFi and 3.15MP Camera!)
2. HTC Touch Cruise (Price by Options, has GPS, WiFi and 3.15MP Camera)
3. SonyEricsson G900 (Beauty, light weight and Functional with WiFi and 5.0MP Camera!)
4. Samsung F480 and HTC Touch Dual (Best Price and Beauty and Functions for no networking users. HTC has more application / functionality options but with 2.0MP Camera and the Samsung with 5.0MP Camera but less customizable with less applications. in this case, it depends only to your preferences!)

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Sunday, October 05, 2008
اين اسباب بازی جديد من خيلي باحاله! بهتون گفتم که يه HTC Touch Cruise دارم... خوب حالا GPS اش رو هم راه انداختم... خيلي باحاله که بهت مسير ميده.. فقط حيف که نقشه کامل با آدرس از تهران نداريم که بشه آدرس رو از طريق خيابون ها بده! ولي به محض اينکه نقاط مختلف رو براش تعريف کنيم هميشه جهت حرکت رو ميده... خيلي خوش گذرونيه... مخصوصا که سرعت و ارتفاع و ... خيلي چيزهای ديگه هم ميده! راستي يه چيزی که داره خيلي باحاله اينه که يه برنامه پيدا کردم که برای راه رفتنه و بهت ميگه چقدر راه رفتي و چقدر هم کالری سووزوندی! اين ديگه خوراک اين ملتيه که مي خوان وزن کم کنن!

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